Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hmmm...'s been a while.

I thought I was beyond busy last year, but this year feels so much worse. I think it's due to seeing so many internal and external failures that I have no control of and also contributing my own bit of failure to the pot.

I suspect next year will be even worse. Last year I was a first year teacher, therefore mistakes were expected and, for the most part, accepted. This year I am a second year teacher, still considered fairly...fallible. Next year I will be a third year teacher and, thus, utterly screwed. And yet the more I try to do, the more I feel I fail. I need some sort of balance that allows me to do my best and accept that it might not always be good enough.

Like that's ever going to happen.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Twin Egg

So yesterday I was making breakfast when I found a larger-than-usual egg. Normally, larger-than-usual eggs are just that, larger-than-usual. This egg was special; it was a twin egg with two yolks. Most people would probably be freaked out. I finished making breakfast and told Michael the next morning.